Well…as you know, I have been loathe to write about old Donald…okay, I have done a few about him but this latest controversy of him skipping tonight’s debate deserved a few words from someone…and an idea that I haven’t heard in any of the news stories take on yet. To start, I find it funny that ole Donald is in a fight with Fox news who have been all Donald, all the time…but I think I also understand why he would skip the debate…after all, what would it get him to be there? He is ahead everywhere in all of the polls from the repub side and there is only downside to him being there…it could only hurt him in the polls if any of his opponents landed any punches so I guess it’s pretty smart to skip it…he is getting more press by skipping it and he just doesn’t care what anyone thinks so this appears to be logical…not that I would attribute logic to this idiot…but, this one time, it appears he has stumbled on some by accident….still going to be fun to watch….geez….
Tag Archives: republican debate
The clown car stops in Vegas…
Well…as you know, I couldn’t bring myself to watch the creepiness that was the repub debate in Vegas last night but there were a few takeaways the came up in the news feeds this morning…the first one I’ve commented on before…the Donald’s vow that he would commit war crimes if elected by going after and killing the families of ISIS members…isn’t there a law against threatening a war crime? Isn’t that terrorism in itself? After this low point, the night degenerated into a talking point showdown…and the general consensus by pundits is that none of the people on the stage are presidential material….and that none of them can ever get elected…so, I think they should all just grift away and make money from the rubes that they lie to every day….I think that’s the purpose of most of them running anyway…or they truly are delusional and that is even worse…geez…
The repub debate…
Well…didn’t know if you knew, but there is another repub debate tonight…okay, I should have said didn’t know if you cared….I was going to do one about that but I just frickin can’t…how can anyone listen to these losers without wanting to tear your ears off so you don’t have to hear it anymore…Muslims bad, Obama worse, tax cuts, tax cuts….close the borders…built a 10 mile high wall…ISIS, ISIS, ISIS….we’re all gonna die! Yeah….I just can’t take it anymore…hope you can’t either…going back to the couch to watch tv….and no debate….
The latest repub “debate”
Well…right off the bat I want to admit I couldn’t stomach another repub debate after about 5 mins of the ‘kiddie table” event….just way too many lies…especially ole Bobby Jindal being proud that he put 30K people out of work by cutting state government and glossing over the fact that the only reason the budget is balanced is the use of accounting tricks…leaving an almost 2 billion dollar deficit for the next governor to have to deal with…I did go out and read as much as I could take about the grown ups debate…well…as grown up as people like Rubio and Cruz can be….and the only theme was that they all have tax cut programs that would give the country away to the rich and cut every program that benefits anyone but the rich…there was one thing that they all did to deflect attention away from their delusions…and that was to attack the media for asking them questions that they couldn’t answer and hurting their fee fees…geez what a group of losers who shouldn’t ever see the White House…even on a tour….
The debates…
Well….that was a wasted 4 1/2 hours…just had to start with that and get it over with…I did watch both debates and I am still not over it…it still pollutes me like the slime from “Ghostbusters” and no amount of showering will wash it off. I am glad I chose to have cocktails since I have never seen such a moronic, stupid group of candidates in my life who only parroted the talking points that we have all heard way too many times…Obama bad, tax cuts good, Planned Parenthood are baby murderers, and that war, war, war is the bestest thing that the US can do…this along with the fact that none of them seem to understand how the government works, bitching about how the current repub controlled congress has not been able to get rid of Obamacare or enact any of the right wing nonsense that they have proposed…conveniently forgetting that even if they got this crap passed, it would be met with a certain veto by Obama. But the biggest and stupidist comments were reserved for the supreme court and again showed that these folks have no idea how the government works…calling the upholding of Obamacare and the gay marriage decisions “Illegal” decisions that could be ignored by anyone who wanted to. Geez….I want that 4 1/2 hours back…and I want these idiots to just go away…one good thing that came out of it was that whoever the dem candidate is going to be will mop the floor with any of these idiots…can’t wait to see that…
More repub debates…
Well…today’s the day for the second round of the repub debates and I am not sure if I am looking forward to them or not…and the reason for that is that it is a no cocktail night and I usually need at least a few cocktails to be able to tolerate them at all…but, it may be fun anyway just to watch who screws up since none of them are too bright…and, I am a little interested to see who tries to out-Trump Trump by veering way to the right. The one thing I don’t understand is why no one tries to stake out the center…okay, less right positions that have a little compassion on immigration and that recognize that giving everything to the rich is just not sustainable…I know, the base primary voters won’t buy any of that but it would seem that there would be a way to lie to them to make them support a candidate that is pretending to be in the center…after all, they lie to the base all the time and they just keep eating it up and voting for these idiots…yeah, idiots electing idiots and the dems not voting has gotten us to where we are…so it has been successful for the repubs….hope not this time…make some popcorn, this might be good….geez…
A whole lot of nothin…
Well…just watched the first “kiddie table” debate and all I can do is echo Hunter and say there was a whole lot of nothin there….other than troops to the middle east and more war…Clinton bad…yadda, yadda…small, small people with small, small ideas…geez…oh…and Bobby Jindal being very proud of taking healthcare away from poor women in his state….
Just waiting…
Well…sitting here waiting for the storms to come and thought I’d try to use my time a little better than just watching tv…the wind has been crazy today and it is getting even worse now…I’m glad I have my grill chained to the porch or it would be gone…but, that’s not really what I wanted to talk about…I am not sure if I’m going to watch the repub debate this thurs night…on one hand, it will be just the same old crap talking points from all of them…not sure why they are even having a debate really since they all get their talking points from their billionaires every day and there is little difference between any of them…tax cuts for the rich and the hell with anyone else seems to be what we’ll hear a lot of….and that women can’t control their own bodies since the repubs know better than a woman and her doctor….but, I may watch some of it just to see ole Trump go off on the rest of them and to see just how they are going to out crazy each other….but, then I’d need some brain bleach and I am fresh out of it..I do have one to do about Trump tomorrow…but there are so many things to write about I think it will take some time to narrow it down…or, there may be tornado tonight that I have to comment on….