Well….that was a wasted 4 1/2 hours…just had to start with that and get it over with…I did watch both debates and I am still not over it…it still pollutes me like the slime from “Ghostbusters” and no amount of showering will wash it off. I am glad I chose to have cocktails since I have never seen such a moronic, stupid group of candidates in my life who only parroted the talking points that we have all heard way too many times…Obama bad, tax cuts good, Planned Parenthood are baby murderers, and that war, war, war is the bestest thing that the US can do…this along with the fact that none of them seem to understand how the government works, bitching about how the current repub controlled congress has not been able to get rid of Obamacare or enact any of the right wing nonsense that they have proposed…conveniently forgetting that even if they got this crap passed, it would be met with a certain veto by Obama. But the biggest and stupidist comments were reserved for the supreme court and again showed that these folks have no idea how the government works…calling the upholding of Obamacare and the gay marriage decisions “Illegal” decisions that could be ignored by anyone who wanted to. Geez….I want that 4 1/2 hours back…and I want these idiots to just go away…one good thing that came out of it was that whoever the dem candidate is going to be will mop the floor with any of these idiots…can’t wait to see that…