Well…today’s the day for the second round of the repub debates and I am not sure if I am looking forward to them or not…and the reason for that is that it is a no cocktail night and I usually need at least a few cocktails to be able to tolerate them at all…but, it may be fun anyway just to watch who screws up since none of them are too bright…and, I am a little interested to see who tries to out-Trump Trump by veering way to the right. The one thing I don’t understand is why no one tries to stake out the center…okay, less right positions that have a little compassion on immigration and that recognize that giving everything to the rich is just not sustainable…I know, the base primary voters won’t buy any of that but it would seem that there would be a way to lie to them to make them support a candidate that is pretending to be in the center…after all, they lie to the base all the time and they just keep eating it up and voting for these idiots…yeah, idiots electing idiots and the dems not voting has gotten us to where we are…so it has been successful for the repubs….hope not this time…make some popcorn, this might be good….geez…