Well…I am so damn frustrated with the media lately and the low, low bar they set forĀ the Donald…a bar so low that I heard one pundit describe it as a paint line on the parking lot….that was shown in all it’s glory yesterday with the idiot’s trip to Mexico when they said he looked “presidential” by just standing there and looking like the idiot he is…and none of the media called out his lies when he said that the subject of the wall he wants to build never came up…and then the president of Mexico made a statement that it did…who are you going to believe? The serial liar, Trump, or the president of Mexico? And after all that “presidential” nonsense…ole Donald gave the most racist, crazy speech that he has ever given and lied some more saying that Mexico will pay for the wall “100%”. Now, I know the media has a vested interest in keeping the race close, but to be deliberately in the tank for one candidate, especially one who is so insane as Trump, is just journalistic malpractice writ large….geez….
Monthly Archives: September 2016
September 1st
Well…running really late today and I think it’s because I did a huge grocery run…spent 75 bucks on nothing and I’m not sure how that continues to happen….oh, well….I did get a bunch of stuff done yesterday so there’s not a lot to do today…I am going to meet up with T later to have a couple before she heads up north but that is all the plans for the day…it felt good to have a clean car with the top down going out for groceries….finally got the haze off the inside of the glass that was irritating the heck out of me…but it took a lot of ammonia….haven’t been feeling all that hot the past couple of days and I’m not sure what it is…don’t think it’s a bug…could be allergies but who knows? The weather seems to have changed overnight and it is pretty cool outside…will make for a good ride today and I need to get to it…so I will…more later….