July 22nd

Well..damn, I may have hit the limit of both my sun exposure and physical exertion on the bike…all of my skin is tight from the sun and my face almost hurts from it…but if I take the day off today, I won’t be able to get to the beach until Monday since I don’t go out there on the weekend…and my right thigh has hurt for a couple of weeks now and it has been joined by my back…don’t think I’ve had a day off since April and I am hobbling round here from it….it would be just so luxurious to take a day off and veg…I wonder if I’ve earned one? Who knows? I did sleep okay last night and I got all the way til 5 or so before waking up for the first time so that means 5 1/2 hours last night and I guess that’s all I can expect…..damn, I’m just worn out and feel old…..the damn grasshoppers have been eating the leaves on my sunflowers so I sprayed them with the bug spray I use to keep bugs out of the house and I wonder if that will work for them? Had to do something since I want to have at least one of them blossom and mature…have lost way too many of them this year…even had to throw a rock at a squirrel who was going after my tomatoes this morning….not much to do today….I am so worn out that I’m not sure when I’ll get on the bike….it’s already 7:30 and I just can’t get moving and should be out to the beach by now but I just can’t do it….crap, I guess this is hitting the wall….but I will get going here soon…I hope….more later….

Might have been wrong about the pond….

Well…I’m pretty sure I bitched a bit here about how they were putting the dredged sand on the beach and specifically about the pond that was left after they finished the north end…but, I may have been wrong about that…when I was at the beach today, the busiest part was that little pond where small children were playing and it was ringed by parents watching them…the pond is only about 18 inches deep and much warmer than the lake without any big waves that were knocking me down today…so I can see the attraction if it stays clear as it has for the couple of weeks it’s been there…not sure what will happen when a big storm hits but I like the character the beach has with a couple of hills and lower spots that leave a long, gently sloping beach….I did get out to play in the waves for a bit today and one of them dragged me along the sand on my chest…and face and that hurt a bit but no permanent damage…..

Buckle up….another hearing tonight at 8…

Well…in what is supposed to be the final January 6th hearing, the committee will address the 187 minutes that the idiot trump did nothing to stop the attack on the capitol and we should hear just how happy he was about the attack and further fill in that idiot boy was at the center of the attack and not just along for the ride. Tonight we’ll hear from a couple of higher ups in trumpyland and the one thing idiot boy won’t be able to try to do is say “I never met these people….and I don’t know who they are” like he has with every witness so far….and I hope they deal with the secret service obstruction of justice that was found out when they were subpoenaed for the text messages that day and they have all magically disappeared…and that is also breaking the law since those texts are official public records that need to be preserved and archived….on that issue, every damn one of these folks who erased the phones should be fired today and then charged since the only reason to erase a phone and texts is that they would be evidence of wrongdoing….so this hearing should be a good one and I’ll be glued to the tv all night…you should be, too….and vote….just vote against every repub since only repubs were involved in this treason….

July 21st

Well…that was a little weird…didn’t get out of bed til around 6:30 and slept through the night and that very seldom happens…but I’ll take it…still pretty sore from getting beat up in the waves yesterday but I’ll be back out there again today when I should be resting my skin a bit….supposed to have lunch with T today but I haven’t heard from her so I’m not planning on it…it did rain out here a bit last night so I wonder if I need to water the lawn today? Talked to a youngster neighbor yesterday and he said he saw a groundhog in his yard and I think that may be the one from my front steps that I filled in his hole earlier…but we’ll see…there hasn’t been any activity under the steps and I hope it stays that way….my sunflowers survived another day after the squirrels destroyed 3 of them the other day but I think I’ll keep spraying them with vinegar to keep them away…would really like to see them fully grown to see if I want to plant the same ones next year….I am still disappointed with the tomatoes this year…none of them have ripened yet and I only have a few on the plants and I think I may start taking some of them out if they are not going to produce…oh, well….not much to do today….need to get on the bike here in 15 minutes or so and get started on the day…I do need to watch the January 6th hearing tonight so it will certainly be a cocktail night tonight….and I need to figure out meals for the next few days and get that taken out of the freezer….but right now I need to drag my butt off the couch and get on the bike…I did get to the maintenance on the bike yesterday and I can’t wait to ride it with everything tightened up and lubed….just hope the wind isn’t as brisk as yesterday…that was a chore….more later….

I’ll believe it when I see it….

Well…with the corrupt supreme court just itching to strike down the rulings that made contraception and gay marriage legal, it appears that there are some repubs that are working with all of the dems to get them codified into law before the SC can destroy those precedents and make them illegal. Now I just relish the fact that Thomas was telegraphing when he and the other illegitimate justices would be dragging this country back into the 1800′s with their attack on the rights of US citizens and they were just salivating that they could do it to us and there was nothing anyone could do about it…but now, there appears to be enough repubs who are listening to their voters to make sure that the will of the people is done and not the will of the court…now, if they can just get a federal law allowing women to control their own bodies instead of repubs everywhere, we would be getting someplace…that’s next folks….but, even with the good news, I’ll believe it when I see the law on Biden’s desk at the signing…

Waves 2, me 0…

Well…after running around and getting two rides in into the 20 mph wind, I decided to head out to the beach to play in the waves and, for the first time I can remember, the waves beat me….trying to wade in with the nasty rip across the beach and with the waves that were taller than me, I got knocked down twice just trying to get into deep enough water to swim and then came to my senses after just a dip and struggled out onto the beach…the waves were not only tall but they were wide enough so they just kept pushing on me and it was way more work than I wanted to do…and probably not too smart to swim in those conditions…especially when there was a red flag up that means stay out of the water…so, I survived it but it does depress me a little that I couldn’t conquer the waves…the waves conquered me and that made me feel even older than I do…darn…

July 20th

Well…damn, running late today with getting up a little after 4 but then going back to bed til 6:30…need to get on the bike here in a few minutes to get my grocery day started…it did spit a little rain this morning and it woke me up hitting the ac unit but it didn’t last long enough to do any good…and it only got down to 75 last night and I probably should have run the ac to sleep better but there was a little breeze so that helped….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but fill in the groundhog hole under the front steps and I am a little curious if the filler worked…need to get rid of them so I can put the new boards up to replace the lattice….will probably not do much today, either, with the grocery runs and the bike rides but I’m not sure about the beach yet…got pretty burned yesterday and I think my skin could use the rest but it is going to be in the mid 80′s so perfect weather for a swim…and the water is getting better after being so cold last week….not much to do today…darn, just need to get going and get on the bike in 12 minutes to keep to my wed schedule….but I really don’t want to…I want to just sit here for an hour and drink coffee and read the news….but the guilt won’t allow me to do that….so here goes…more later….

I hate getting old…

Well…if you read the earlier post about the damn squirrels, you know that I threw rocks at the squirrels until I ran out of them…well….now my right shoulder hurts so much I can barely use it without it screaming in pain…damn, I hate getting old…I know I don’t throw things as much as I used to but to throw 6 rocks and now not be able to use my shoulder is a bit much…so I just took some ibuprofen so I’ll be able to sleep later and be able to pick up my water glass without wincing…crap…

Damn squirrels…

Well…I guess no good deed goes unpunished…as you know I have been feeding the squirrels a bit around here but mostly the black and grey ones although I do have the normal brown ones here sometimes…and I have planted sunflowers with the intent of cutting the heads off them when they ripen and leaving them out for the birds and squirrels to eat… but that is after they mature and I get the chance to enjoy them…but today, a gang of the damn brown squirrels attacked three of the biggest ones and killed them just to get to immature seeds that the black and grey squirrels have left alone…so I threw rocks at them and hit one of them and then sprayed the remaining small ones with vinegar to try to keep them away and I hope that works since I ran out of rocks to throw….oh, and I had to tear the lattice off the front steps to get at a new den that some damn groundhog dug under the steps…so I gassed it with a mix of bleach and ammonia again and then filled the dirt back in and left the lattice loose so I can get in there and kill the damn thing when I see it…if the gas doesn’t work, I’m going to try to drown the damn thing with the hose tomorrow….need to replace the lattice with boards so nothing can get in or out and that will stop this damn animal….cripes

400 chickenshit cops…

Well…the Uvalde revelations keep getting worse and worse as the lies from the police department continue daily…but, over the weekend, we learned the worst thing there could be…400 chickenshit cops just stood around for an hour while the murderer kept killing little children…400 cops, a full damn hour of carnage because these wannabe rambos cowered behind their shields and looked at their phones and just did absolutely nothing because they knew the asshole had an AR-15 and they know how dangerous it is…and these are the same people who think a kindergarten teacher with a 9 millimeter is going to take on a terrorist with an AR-15….cripes, 400 cops wouldn’t do it and they are armed with AR-15′s, too…now, every damn one of these cops is trying to blame “miscommunication” for the fact that they stood there and did nothing…and that is in direct opposition to their training and department rules that say that individual officers can make the go decision when it is a dire emergency that can’t wait for the higher ups to get there….but not one of them did….as I said, 400 chickenshit cops…and every one of them should be fired…how the hell do they sleep at night?  Geez…