I’ll believe it when I see it….

Well…with the corrupt supreme court just itching to strike down the rulings that made contraception and gay marriage legal, it appears that there are some repubs that are working with all of the dems to get them codified into law before the SC can destroy those precedents and make them illegal. Now I just relish the fact that Thomas was telegraphing when he and the other illegitimate justices would be dragging this country back into the 1800′s with their attack on the rights of US citizens and they were just salivating that they could do it to us and there was nothing anyone could do about it…but now, there appears to be enough repubs who are listening to their voters to make sure that the will of the people is done and not the will of the court…now, if they can just get a federal law allowing women to control their own bodies instead of repubs everywhere, we would be getting someplace…that’s next folks….but, even with the good news, I’ll believe it when I see the law on Biden’s desk at the signing…

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