Well…damn, I have two hours to kill before I can do the grocery run and it’s too cold to get on the bike so what the heck do I do? Slept okay last night and had some interesting conversations on Mastodon so that was fun…but I am worn out today and in a little pain from the yard work but I’ll live through it….darn, it’s only 41 out there but I’m still going to put the top down on the car for the grocery run today….it was nice to get the yard work done yesterday but that leaves me with nothing to do today…okay, I have cleaning to do and the bathroom and kitchen are on that list so at least one of them will get done….it’s a leftover day today so I don’t need to cook but I do have to figure out meals for the rest of the week…no protein is on sale this week so I’ll eat out of the freezer….lots of stuff in there and I really should empty it a bit…2.5 pounds of chicken thighs and a couple of bags of Italian sausage so I’m not going to starve…not much to do today….waiting is pretty hard when I’m task oriented…just need to get stuff done but I know I have no schedule…but that doesn’t make it easier….more later…
Monthly Archives: May 2023
yard work=sunburn
Well…finally had the time to get outside and do some yard work today and was out there for over two hours after doing the weed walk, spraying the long grass in the fence with grass killer, and then weeding the east side of the house so I’ll be able to see all the flowers I planted that that have started to come up….oh, and I found a huge ant city that I hit with bug killer, too…and I got sunburned even with sunscreen on so I have have to buy some new stuff soon…and the asshole who is rebuilding that dump next door decided to thump the whole neighborhood so I made a call on him but didn’t look to see if the cops talked to him…if he does it again, I’ll call again…and one of his asshole buddies pulled in the alley thumping away and then just parked his truck so the alley was blocked…he got out of his truck and did what all of them do…he left the frickin music on as he went inside the house….it does look like I may not have any tomatoes this year…I’m done trying…I’ll have radishes, lettuce and maybe some beans but they are looking iffy, too….oh, well…
Nice hypersonic missles there, vlad…
Well…I’m sure you’ve heard all of the hype about Russia’s hypersonic missiles that ole vlad has been bragging about what seem like forever, saying that nothing that anyone has can shoot them down and he will use them to attack anyone he wants…there’s only one thing wrong with that…he fired 6 of them at Ukraine last night and the American Patriot missile batteries shot them all down…so, how’s that feel, vlad? Most everything about the Russian military is just hype as more an more of the rot in it is exposed every day the invasion goes on…Armata tanks? Nope, no one can find them anywhere and now the most lethal weapon in the world is being shot down like some second hand Turkish drone…life sucks for you, Vlad…geez…
May 16th
Well…it’s the middle of May and it’s only 45 degrees out there and that is just wrong….slept okay last night and smelled the coffee this morning and I wonder it it’s a sign that my taste is coming back…I can kind of taste the coffee today and I would like to be able taste something since it’s so boring eating without it….got a lot done yesterday but I’m going to take it easier today…just going to do the rides and take care of the garden…still looking for that feeling I used to get when I had a day in front of me that I could do what I wanted when I was younger…man, I just looked at the crepey skin on my arms and that makes me feel really old…I am really old but I really don’t need reminders of it….I wonder what happened to have warts sprout on my foot and left hand over the past month or so…have had them before but it’s been years and years since then….it was quieter here last night and I needed that….have been stressed out about having to make noise calls every day and have thought about selling this place but then the reality hit me that at the present interest rate of nearly 6%, I couldn’t afford the payment…and that sucks….oh, well…not much to do today…going to have more coffee and wait for the temp to come up…I did marinate some chicken thighs and I think I’ll cook them for lunch with some roasted potatoes…I have a green pepper in the fridge that I am going to take the seeds and plant them today just for grins….more later…
I’m a broken record…
Well…I wonder if I should call all of my days busy ones since that appears to be what they are now…sound like a broken record doing these things…today started off with having to run to the bank to pay my credit card bill since I didn’t get one in the mail and it was due next week…then on the bike for the first ride, then mowed the lawn, had a light lunch, then back on the bike for the second ride, then I planted the remaining 12 cups of veggie seedlings I had in cups outside… cleaned up after that and treated everything with fungus killer again but it looks like I’m going to lose more tomato plants…I did figure out what the line of plants are in the garden yesterday when tiny little radishes started appearing in the line…so I have radishes at least and am hoping that more stuff comes up…I did change out the mouthwash I’m using to see it that is the cause of me losing my sense of taste but it may take a while to see….it would be nice to taste something again…okay, need to read some news…
This is too funny…
Well…when the repubs took over the House this January, they promised to investigate everything about Joe Biden and his family for “reasons” and the loud mouth repub on the Oversight committee, James Comer, has been spouting of with speculation that it is going to be bad for Biden when he gets done, but even repubs are starting to say there is no “there” there…that he has no evidence of anything at all…so now he is saying that his “informant” who is going to blow the “investigation” wide open has disappeared and Comer’s excuse is that the “informant” is in the spy business and has gone dark but that’s to be expected because he is a spy…and now there is a report in the NY times that they haven’t uncovered anything at all…after 4 months of investigations…I wonder if the “informant” took it all with him when he disappeared? This is what you get when you vote for repubs folks…no damn work at all for the people of this country just more lies and wasted money…they have nothing and they know it…get your asses back to your job…geez…
May 15th
Well…damn, it only 38 degrees out there so that puts everything on hold until it warms up…and 38 degrees halfway through May? Still doesn’t feel like there is spring here yet and that sucks….idiots out here started up with their thump, thump bullshit yesterday morning at 8:30am so I had to make a noise call and that is pushing me to selling this place and getting the hell out of this shitty city….and that is too bad since I generally like it here and I will miss Lake Michigan…okay, the heat is on in the middle of May and that is just wrong….need to go out to the bank this morning to pay my credit card bill since they didn’t send one to me this month and it’s just one more little pain that I don’t want to deal with…I may swing through Meijers and Aldi’s to pick up their ads since I didn’t get the local paper this weekend…I could read them online and I may do that…we’ll see…not much to do today….it’s 7:20 and I can’t go to the bank til 9 so there is going to be some waiting this morning…and I’m not good with waiting….need to mow the lawn today but that won’t be til this afternoon with how wet it is….man, I’m tired…more later…
Fingers crossed for Turkey…
Well…this is a little far afield for what I normally do here…oh, no not really…Turkey is having it’s presidential election today with the good chance to rid themselves of Erdogan who has been in power there for 20 years and has taken the country farther and farther to the right as he had his political enemies locked up and supported Russia in it’s invasion of Ukraine…and this is the guy who has kept Sweden out of NATO for some reason and generally has screwed up Turkey’s economy to the benefit of himself and his cronies…so I really do hope that his challenger wins today and then maybe Turkey can start to restore it’s democracy and one more strong man hits the ash heap of history…geez…
May 14th
Well…man, I’m feeling so worn out today that it is going to be a struggle to get out on the bike today…I did get out to do a second ride but late in the day yesterday…it’s a bit strange to go out at 5:30 in the afternoon when there are lots of people on the trail…got up at 6:23 this morning but I feel like I didn’t sleep at all..what the hell is it with warts? Had one on my foot and now I have another on my left hand that I’m going to have to treat…weird…can I take a day off? I need to ride an extra 150 miles this week to make up for being off the bike for 5 days starting next Monday and 30 of those can be today if I drag my butt out and get on the bike…okay, there is no if…I’ll get out in a bit but I need more coffee first…didn’t get much done yesterday but plant some plants in the garden that the fungus is trying to destroy….need to treat it again today but that will be later…not sure what the food will be today but I have some leftover chicken and then I’ll look in the freezer for the second one…I do have some cheddar in the fridge so maybe I’ll make some chips and cheese for later…we’ll see…more later…
Got a ride in…
Well…the rain stopped this morning so I decided to get on the bike for at least one run today…but, if I get bored, I may get out later after the xfinity and Indy car race later…my right Achilles was stiff and sore all the way out to the beach and it is still sore right now…but it was nice being able to take the long sleeve t-shirt off for the run back from the beach…have been treat a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot for a couple of weeks now and I appear to be making progress with it…I can almost walk without pain so I need to keep treating it for another week or so….but right now, I just want to watch some of the race and veg a bit…