Found the wall…

Well…after trying for a couple of weeks to “find the wall” with my body after riding 12 days of 41 mile days, I think I may have found it today…but it took a combination of getting out of bed at 3:41 this morning, not eating enough, and all the riding…just frickin exhausted and even tried to take a nap this afternoon but nope, even with not getting much sleep for the past few days, I just couldn’t fall asleep but I did lay down on the couch for a few minutes while soccer was on…and it is really weird, no matter how little sleep I get on the previous night, I still don’t sleep well the next…after today, you would think I’d sleep like a rock tonight but I don’t hold out much hope that tonight will be a good night…man, it used to work that way…when I stayed up late or got up early, the next night I would sleep the sleep of the gods…just looked at the rest of my test results and for some reason my glucose is high but with the abuse I’ve been heaping on my body, I’m not sure I can trust the could be that I’m dehydrated again and my right big toe is telling me I am…I guess I’llĀ  just let them bitch at me at the appointment tomorrow and try to find out what I can do to normalize the tests next time…just want this over with so I can have a cocktail or 11 tomorrow night…

Why are they scared?

Well…i sit here and marvel at the complete lack of courage with the GOP caucus where the idiot trump is involved…they are acting like he is still a power but if you look at the trouble he’s in, where is it? He may control the maga folks, but looking at the last two primaries, even though nikki haley dropped out a month ago, she is still polling at 20% soo there are a lot of repubs who are looking for anyone other than the idiot…and, if I was one of those repubs, I’d have enough self respect to tell him to go to hell and look for ways to move forward without the constant conspiracy theories and investigations…that part of the political spectrum is wide open and someone should be the one who steps into it and makes it his or her own…I mean a reasonable repub? Who knows if it would work but damn, someone needs to try because being under the thumb of a indicted felon who is daily succumbing to his dementia and getting less and less lucid is something that should appeal to anyone with a brain…okay, I don’t see any brains on the right but there may be one at some point….geez…

May 2nd

Well…darn, another night of not enough sleep with getting up at 3:21..okay, I did go to be at 10 so that gave me about 5 hours and there have been times in my life that I would have killed for 5 hours…but this starts my days way too early and I’ll be on the indoor bike by 6 and have both rides done before 9…think I may go out to a green house to try to get some pepper plants since not one of the 3 packs of seeds I planted sprouted and I can’t figure that out…cripes I may even have time to get both outdoor rides in before lunch if the temp comes up…I am making chicken Masala with Jasmine rice and then have some potato soup for later…I still feel pretty good about the PSA test results I got yesterday but the rest of the result are iffy but I sure don’t want to start to take medicine for cholesterol if I can change it with dietary changes….damn, just got the “high winds today” notice on my screen and I am so damn tired of it being so windy out here…went into a 25mph wind yesterday on the way out on the second ride and everything hurts from it…I may have to just do three rides indoors and that will cut my mileage down for the day that won’t work if I’m going to get to my goal…I did get a little cleaning done yesterday and need to do more today but I’m not sue what yet…not much to do today…and that is almost true…one of these days I’m going to make it true especially after 133 days straight on the bike…I need a day off…more later…

Good news…

Well…as you know, I had a PSA test scheduled for this morning and I was a little freaked out that it was going to show that the cancer had come back…just got the result on the mychart page and it is still undetectable which is the best result you can get…so we stay in “wait and watch” mode for another 6 months until the next test…I am really relieved that I don’t have more treatment that has to be done…right now, anyway…

Why Time?

Well…what the hell is wrong with Time magazine? They gave the liar in chief an “interview” where he rolled out the old lies, added new ones, and didn’t really make a whole lot of sense…but let’s take a look at what he plans to do if this country goes completely crazy and let’s putin install him again…how would you like to see him and his cronies build concentration camps and round up 11 million immigrants for deportation…he would let red states monitor every women’s pregnancy and prosecute them if they have an abortion…and that includes not letting them travel to states where abortion is legal…he would take over all law enforcement and tell the AG who he wants prosecuted and fire him if he doesn’t do it…idiot boy would gut the civil service and fire anyone with expertise to be replaced by his cronies…he will shut down any government agency that dealt with pandemic…okay, you get the picture…he has told everyone he will be a dictator on day one…believe him in that and vote to keep him away from any office ever again…geez…

May 1st

Well…up at 4:47 this morning and I’m drinking coffee at 5:13 and that is a little strange…but I knew that there was no way to go back to sleep so I thought I’d try just thinking this is the normal time to get up…didn’t make it to the 3,000 mile goal that I had hoped for at the end of April but I did get to 2,784 miles and only need 767 miles to get to halfway of the 7,100 I’m going to ride this year…so that puts me on schedule to get the goal by the end of September if the results of the PSA test I’m getting this morning doesn’t throw me a curveball…have to be out there to the lab by a little after 9 so I’ll need to get on the indoor bike by 6 to get that done…going to be another busy one today with the two indoor rides, out to give them blood, back here to mow the lawn, then outdoors for two rides and then making chicken Masala this afternoon…have had 11 days of 41 miles rides and I want to keep that up til after the doctor appointment Friday morning…I may need a maintenance day of only indoor rides once the new shifter gets here…installing it and getting it adjusted will take a couple of hours and that will use up my outdoor time…not much to do today…ha, that made me laugh, too…tomorrow will be that kind of day with just riding but I need to get moving right now to get everything done…oh, damn I forgot, I need to stop at Meijers since the ginger I had for the Masala went bad…so I’ll stop at the one by the lab on Holton road this morning…more later…