Spent some money today…

Well…damn, spent a hundred bucks today and bought way too much food that was on sale…got some ground chuck on sale at Meijers for 1.97 a pound and 6.5 pounds of boneless/skinless chicken thighs for 9 bucks at DD…1.37 a pound and that is about half what they normally cost…some smoked turkey for 3 bucks for 4- 9 oz. packages…oh, some chicken legs for 99cents a pound again from Meijers…so I filled the freezer again and still need to make room for half the burger and half the chicken legs…man, I’m going to be grilling a lot….and I got 3 12 oz packages of hard Italian salami with no nitrites or preservatives for 5 bucks…so I have lots of food…will make it easier to eat enough with the variety I have now…and I bought lawn food at Menards and stumbled on some bootie socks for 4 bucks for 6 pairs that I really like…so much that I went back over there and bought two more packs so now I have 18 pair and I can finally get rid of the stretched out and holey ones I’ve had for 5+ years…these new ones are even stylish and stay on my feet when the other ones wouldn’t anymore…it’s really weird how just a little thing like finding some cheap, nice socks can make me happy…and I only have a little over a hundred miles to ride to hit 5K before my birthday…and I’ve ridden every day this year…185 days in a row and that makes half a year plus…got a lot done today but it’s 20 to three and I am done for the day….

Joe has been a great president…

Well…with all of the bullshit pressure from both the left and right for Joe to drop out of the race just because he had one frickin off night, let’s just remember lefties, you don’t ever get everything you want…and now you’re going to sit out the election because Joe isn’t perfect and hasn’t done that little thing that is important to you…just get over it…do you think you’ll get anything you want if you sit it out and trump wins? Look, I can understand if you had hope that Joe would be more of something…more younger, more progressive, or just more…but has been a great president and will be even better in the next term if you can get your heads out of your asses and vote…it’s part of a process..idiot boy crashed the country and Joe has been working his ass off to repair it…think what can be accomplished if we carry Joe over the line and give him a dem senate and house…you want Roe restored, and 70% of you do…vote for Joe and he’ll take care of it…and you get Kamala, too…they are a great team and what the country needs…so suck it up and vote…geez…

July 3rd

Well…damn, I’m tired of having to get going every morning…and that’s the case today…have 14 minutes until I need to get on the indoor bike for the first ride before the grocery run and I have 5 stops to make today…not as sore as I was expecting to be this morning after the pain I had last night but I’ll take it…it did rain a bit yesterday and it’s supposed to rain again today but not a lot…I should be able to get outdoors on the bike when I get back and I do have outdoor work to do today…going to run the string trimmer and try to paint the downspout but I may have to wait til tomorrow for it to dry…have to hit DD and HF today along with menards,aldis, and meijers and that is going to be a chore but I do need to finish up feeding the lawn today or it will look pretty strange…so I can get going a little after 8…I did ride over and paid the water bill yesterday and I need to go to the library Friday to get more books…I really hope none of the assholes will be blasting fireworks tomorrow…that just gets so old…not going to go down to the fireworks since I’m over that…not much to do today…just want to survive the grocery runs and get to the afternoon so I can take a break….more later…

Damn I’m sore…

Well…with the rain today, I didn’t get the outdoor work done I had planned to do…I did get food on most of the lawn before it rained but need to pick up some more at menards tomorrow to finish up the small part I couldn’t do…I do not understand it, but I am sore everywhere and I guess it must be from dragging the ladder around and climbing it a bunch of times yesterday…so, if the two day rule works, it is going to hurt even worse tomorrow…it is going to rain starting at about 1am tomorrow morning and keep up til around 8 so I may do an indoor ride to get the day started before the grocery run…Meijers has corn on sale for 8 ears for a buck so I’m going to get some of those along with some chicken legs to grill later in the week and have some baked beans instead of potatoes since they are so damn expensive…I do have the ingredients for an omelet so I’ll make one of those in the next couple of days…only have about 150 miles to 5,000 so I’ll get there easily before my birthday…then the long slog for 2,100 more miles…this has been a lot of work and I hope I’m not doing permanent damage to my body…

We need a judicial revolt…

Well…with the corrupt decisions coming out of the SC this month, I’ve been thinking about it and I think it’s time for a judicial revolt in this country…after all, the SC doesn’t control any army or police force so if all of the federal judges just say “the rulings of the corrupt Roberts court are so far away from normal judicial reasoning that we must defy the court to uphold our oath to the Constitution” Just a few hundred judges saying that and acting on it would take away the only thing roberts and his cronies have and that is tradition…I mean, really…there is no place in the constitution that give a president immunity from crimes or gives the SC the authority to legislate from the bench…since the 6 right wing justices took over, they have acted like they are the supreme power in the country, not a co-equal branch of the government as the framers intended so they don’t deserve to have their rulings followed…and the revolt should start right now…geez…

July 2nd

Well…I am so tired of being sore…woke up this morning and every damn part of my body hurts…and I’m having such a hard time getting moving that it’s almost too much effort…rain is coming in but I am going to put my rain gear on and ride outdoors since the radar never matches reality out here…need to be on the bike by 7:30 and that gives me 25 minutes to pour coffee down me and become human…the weird thing is that I think I slept okay but it’s not having any effect…feel pretty lousy with coughing and my head is plugged up…just the damn allergies that nothing works on…oh, well…got a lot done yesterday but I can’t do two days of that in a row…but I do have trimming and painting to do today but can’t imagine doing that right now…I did make some peanut butter toast a few minutes ago since I didn’t eat enough yesterday and need more calories to support what I do every day…think I’m going to need an ibuprofen this morning…just a pool of pain and my right elbow hurts just picking up the coffee cup…darn…more later…

Too busy today…

Well…man, what a busy day today…but I did accomplish a lot so that makes it okay…didn’t get on the bike for the first ride until almost 9 this morning since I had to wait for the temp to come up from the low of 46 last night…was not going to put on a fleece in July…got the second ride in right after the 1st and then got cleaned up and made a run out to depot…then back here and got on the bike for ride three…only have about 190 miles to go to get to the 5K goal by my birthday…after the 3rd ride, I got started on fixing the downspout but the part I bought to do that was too short so I thought I’d peel all of the duct tape off the old part to find that the only thing wrong with it was that it didn’t fit tight enough…so, I drilled a hole and put a pop rivet in to hold it together…worked like a champ so it’s really sturdy now…before I put the downspout back up, I cleaned the siding under it and all of it that faces my front steps…looks pretty good with it clean and that stupid duct tape gone…I do have to paint the parts tomorrow if it doesn’t rain since a lot of the paint is off it and it looks a little shabby…after I got that done, I mowed the lawn and trimmed some bushes so I could fill the bag that needed to go out tomorrow…so, yep…it was a pretty busy day today and I didn’t get finished until after 3pm…tomorrow should be easier but I do want to run the string trimmer to finish up the yard along with spotting some weeds…the work never stops…

The SC coup continues…

Well…the power grab from the SC continued today with granting the idiot trump immunity from his crimes…yep, you heard that right, the 6 fascists on the court basically said that trump can order subordinates to kill someone and there is nothing anyone can do about it…they have made trump a king…he can order someone to steal an election and there is nothing anyone can do about it…now, are you going to sit out this election or are you going to vote and do something about it? And we need all three branches of government so we can get rid of this SC since they are just making shit up to get the political ends they want…and I am so pissed off…every damn one of the 6 right wing judges need to be impeached for lying to get on the court and then appoint real judges that will follow the law…not make new law as they go…vote…it’s the only way to save this country…geez

July 1st

Well…it’s only 46 degrees out here right now and I wonder if the heat is going to come on before it starts to warm up? Didn’t get out of bed til almost 7 but I don’t feel like I slept much overnight…it is going to start to warm up pretty quickly and should be warm enough to get out on the bike by 8am when it is supposed to be 57…hurt like crazy last night but I just feel fatigue right now…all of the miles have started to wear me out at my advanced age but I’m sure I’ll make it to the goal for the year…there is no wind out here today and that will be a welcome sight after coming back into a 25 mph blow yesterday…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I really do need to clean the bathroom today…I did eat almost twice what I normally eat yesterday and I wonder what the effect of that will be on the bike today…I know I haven’t been eating enough to support 38 miles a day on the bike but I don’t want to gain any weight either…going to have a second cup of coffee and watch the tour for a bit before I suit up and get on the bike…more later..