JEB! really is this stupid…

Well…I’m sure you heard this idiots comments on the Planned Parenthood nonsense when he said that he didn’t know why we needed to spend 500 million dollars on women’s health…yeah, that is pretty stupid…but he really topped himself at a foreign policy seminar yesterday where he said that the Iraq war was “a good deal” and he would do it again even knowing that the reasons for going to war there were all lies. Here’s the cost of his “good deal”…over 4400 dead US soldiers (not counting the PTSD affected ones that came home and killed themselves), over 115,000 dead Iraqis, 1.7 TRILLION dollars in direct costs that possibly could balloon to over 6 trillion dollars once the total costs of care for the troops is counted….I don’t know if he is stupid or just cynical but to me, and anyone else, this could never be a “good deal”….war is never a “good deal” and the toll on the military and our country done by his “good deal” will never be repaired…I just hate this guy and his entire family…geez…

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