Well….was reading some the past day and came across this jaw dropper from a right wing radio host…can’t find the article to get the particulars but here is the gist: his plan, which he espoused on his radio show was that we give all the undocumented people in his state….I think it was Idaho…30-60 days to ‘self deport” and after that, and here comes the jaw dropper…the state would “own” any of the undocumented that are found to be there and could be put to work doing work that needs to be done for the state for room and board…yep, the right is right back to what they still defend, slavery, for 11 million people in the US…I don’t know what to say about this one…the plan and words speak for themselves….the right still thinks slavery is a good idea….I’m shaking head….geez…
Okay, here’s an update…I didn’t want to just post this without the facts so here they are: the radio host’s name is Jan Mickleson and he is in Iowa, not Idaho….and he has hosted Walker, Fiorina, Carson, and Santorum…all repub candidates for president….and his question was” “What’s wrong with slavery”….where the hell do they get these guys?…geez…again…