Well…I have been thinking of what to write about this afternoon and have come up empty…Trump hasn’t said anything today and the rest of the idiots on the right are just doing the argle bargle that they normally do…Rubio came out and said he supports what BLM is trying to do but then said that the government has no role in fixing the disparity in policing that is felt by blacks in this country…trying to have it both ways much? Just another mealy mouthed nothing from the water boy…and we have Walker saying that he would appoint a Wisconsin education activist to his cabinet and the activist saying “no frickin way” he would serve in a Walker administration and he hasn’t even talked to the idiot in over two years….another lying lie from the liar who is trying to blur his hard right hatred for education and teachers on the back of dems who are actually trying to make things better….I can’t believe there is even going to be another repub debate in September…really, what’s the point? they all read from the same talking points and are interchangeable, so why listen? The first one was for entertainment value and to laugh at their incompetence…but, that wears thin after a while so I won’t be watching the next one…geez…