Well…it was a long day yesterday and I got through it feeling pretty crappy…didn’t get anything done but cooking but I feel good that I even got through that…woke up with the chills this morning and I’m sure that is the bug…and my lungs feel like they are full of something so today will be a low key day…I still plan on getting on the bike in a while since it is warm enough out there already and I don’t want to miss the last few good days that we have….slept okay last night but even with it 75 in here I was under the comforter….so I guess I have an excuse for taking it easy today….I am down to about a hundred miles left to get to 25K so that may happen later in the week….not much to do today…I think I’ll just do the normal stuff to try to burn the virus out and if that doesn’t work, I’ll just take it easy and rest…I will come back for a couple more of these today since I am behind…more later…