Well…have been getting behind on the political stuff lately so here goes…I have been watching with interest (actually with popcorn) the daily slow motion disintegration of the repub party in the House over the past month or so and it would be funny if it didn’t have such dire consequences for all of us…with the debt ceiling fight coming up, the crazy assed righties of the GOP are perfectly willing to do everything in their power to destroy the world’s economy since Obama, something, something….and they are so delusional even John Boehner had enough and resigned and they have not been able to find anyone else to do the job…and the crux of the whole thing is the fact that these righties believe that if they only got rid of Boehner…the 54th vote to repeal Obamacare would work….either not knowing or willfully ignoring the fact that any bill doing that would be vetoed and if it was attached to the debt ceiling bill, that would still be vetoed and the country’s economy would crater…but that doesn’t matter to these asses…they have their jobs and just don’t care if millions are put out of work by their shenanigans. This is what happens when you let children run the show…wishful thinking replaces facts and the country suffers….geez…