Well…I sit here shaking my head at the nonsense coming out of the repubs in this last week over Syrian immigrants and I really didn’t think it could get worse…but then these idiots go even farther toward fascism led by…well..by all of them…first there was a governor in the south that said that he thought internment camps for all muslims was a good idea…then we have the Donald saying that all muslims should have special ID and we should have a database with all of them in it…registration as a muslim…hmmmm…does anyone else remember when this was last done…to the Jews…in WW II? Then we have ole Rubio proposing we shut down anywhere that muslims meet in this country including coffee shops and I would suppose shopping malls. Then the normal cast of candy asses on the right who are scared of their own shadows pass a bill in the house that prevents any more Syrian refugees from being allowed to come here…you get my drift…these tough guys who say they can take on the bad guys in the world and stand up to Putin are all shaking with the prospect of orphans and families from the middle east coming here to live and make a new life…the American Dream…you remember that assholes? I just can’t any more of this dumbing down of our country….what a bunch of crap…geez…