Well…with the return of dreams last night, I wanted to comment on it a little bit…not about the dreams per se, but how the process works for me…what I’ve found over the years is that there are incidences where there is danger in the dreams…whether being killed or arrested, or other bad things that you just can’t get out of in the dream. The weird thing is that I’ve developed a coping mechanism that allows me to avoid these dangers when they get to be untenable…I’m able to just shake and then I’m either awake or in another dream where there is no danger…after watching the Matrix the other day, it reminds me of when the agents take over people with a shake…or vibration, whatever you want to call it…the whole thing stemmed from a dream last night where my partner and I were trying to steal some rare old film from a library or something like it when a bunch of guys started to surround us talking into their cuffs like the secret service does…and when one sat down next to me…shake and out….pretty neat, actually….and I lived to tell the tale….