Nathan Deal is the new worst person in the world….

Well….it any of you out there are from Georgia, I really do have pity on you for your asshole of a governor. If you haven’t heard this prick signed an executive order saying that no one that deals in social services for the state of Georgia can give aid to Syrian refugees…including the food stamp program that is paid for by the feds. Not only is this illegal, and I hope the feds get right on taking this asshole to court for this illegality…but, it is also one of the most immoral and reprehensible things I have ever heard of…to single out a family who is legally allowed to come here and basically say “you can just starve” is not what America is about…maybe in the repubs world of fear and nastiness….since they have been doing that to American citizens in every state that they control….but not in our world, not in the world of compassion that their bible tells them to make either…but, I know the prick will be in the pews on Sunday being the hypocriitcal, useless POS that he is…and the rest of the “Christians” will be patting him on the back for his “principled” stand on heaping more hurt on people who have already lost everything…easily the worst person in the world…geez…

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