Too much religion…

Well….I know it’s Iowa caucus time where the candidates are trying to woo the evangelical vote, but I mean, come on righties…this is even too much for you guys….first we have Ted Cruz coming out the other day and saying his religion is more important to him than the US is…now, this coming from someone who wants to be president? Does that mean he will put the christianists first instead of his oath to uphold and protect the constitution that builds a wall between church and state? Imagine if a Muslim candidate said that…he would be run out of town but this is just fine for a christian to say? Then you have the Donald saying the other day that christians are going to be running the country if he is elected…don’t they now? Oh, I guess he means that christians will be able to be open with their bigotry against everyone again…and he will use his power to subvert to constitution to cater to his christian followers…look, I have had way too much of these idiots believing that this is a christian country…we are not….and I take offense with having any religion jammed down my throat by having their religion codified into laws…just like the “blue laws” that kept almost every business closed on Sunday when I was a kid…and it was so bad here in West Michigan that we had the only McDonald’s in the country that was closed on Sunday…thanks Jenison….geez….

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