Well…it was a pretty crappy day yesterday and that’s how I felt all day….my intestines felt like they were on fire and I had no energy and that led to getting nothing at all done…barely got off the couch all day…no bike ride, no nothing except watching sports….I did try to get more calories in and I think I failed at that….it’s hard to get over 1500 a day for me and that may be part of why I felt so crappy…still don’t feel great but I do feel better than yesterday so that is something…I know that it is a bug and that is comforting since I can’t afford a trip to the doctor….at least my back doesn’t hurt so that is something, too….it is a pain getting all the clocks reset for springing forward but I did get the car done so I feel good about that….not much to do today…maybe pool but that will be about it for me…no cleaning or anything else since I don’t have the energy for it…more later…