Some good news….

Well…haven’t done a political one in a while since the crap that is going on over on the repub side has just gotten to be too much for me to follow…I mean, a presidential candidate telling his followers to beat up people they don’t agree with?  With that, there is no room for any policy discussion on that side but we’ve heard it all…tax cuts for the rich…blah, blah…so I guess we don’t really have to hear any more….but, there was one bit of good news that came out of a national poll on the general election that was released the other day…and that is that either Bernie or Hillary would beat Drumpf by about 10 points with Bernie doing a little better….and those numbers are sure to go up as people hear more from the idiot….how far has the repub party fallen since I was young….when we had people like Vandenberg, and Ford and Bill Milliken….and now we have Drumpf, Cruz, and Rubio….have never seen a worse set of no talent hacks in my life….geez..

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