Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done….slept okay…no, not really..slept crappy and feel it today…the allergies are getting bad and I had to pry my eyes open this morning…might have to do the two allergy tablet test today to see if I can tolerate it for more relief….got a nice bike ride in and went really hard for the first time…my legs feel it today but that’s okay….and, if I wait long enough, I may be able to get out in shorts today….I can tolerate half thermasuit if I have to…..it looks like I may have to get more shows set up on my son’s server if Dish and the networks don’t stop their pissing contests…going to lose a few channels Friday so I need to do something…I wonder if these idiots don’t understand that there are other ways to get their content without Dish? If you don’t mind time delaying everything….not much to do today…need to run errands this morning…my white socks are all shot so I need to replace them…going to splurge today…more later….