Well….I think all we need to do in this election is just let the Donald keep talking…the more he talks the dumber he appears and the more his poll numbers tank….in fact…after the Orlando speech debacle, his unfavorables have hit a never before seen 70%…that means that 70% of the people in the US now have an unfavorable view of Donald….this number would better fit with a murderer or a serial killer; not a candidate for president from one of our major political parties…but, that doesn’t matter to him…he is so delusional that he truly believes that polling didn’t exist before he came along….”I think I’ve made polling a very important thing. ‘Cause I never used to hear about the polls.” How much more isolated of a person can there be? That polls don’t exist because he didn’t notice them before? We just need this guy to keep talking and we will not even need to spend any money on the election….typical rich repub….that nothing exists unless they can see it personally…what a maroon….geez…