Well…every time I read more of the truth behind the Donald, it feels like there is a little bit more pollution in my karma or that I have come too close to a black hole and had some of it ripped away. After reading the latest article in the New Yorker magazine, I think I need a shower to wash off the slime….the article, written by the the guy who actually wrote “The Art of the Deal”, the book that is responsible for making the sociopath Donald famous, paints a really, truly, scary picture of a Donald that has the attention span of a housefly and lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. One really salient point that the author makes is the insatiable need that Donald has for ever increasing doses of attention that logically led to him running for president…just like a crack addict that needs more and more to get the same buzz…I think one descriptive phrase was the Trump would run for emperor of the world if he could…he has that large of a need for attention….and truly believes that he would be “the best” at anything that he does…even though the evidence shows he is a mediocre businessman at best whose entire career has been propped up by his father’s money and cheating everyone he comes into contact with. This is the thing that the modern repub party thinks should be president and that 40% of the country says they will vote for…sad!