Well….it was nice to wake up to soccer again with the BPL getting it’s season going….oh, have to put this in…I won at pool…and I had a pretty nice day yesterday…it rained on the way out but the drive back was nice with the top down and the music too loud…the bike basically fell apart when I got back here yesterday and I just had to laugh at it…it could have done it on the trail but it waited until I was carrying it down the stairs to my front door…I wondered why it felt weird on the ride yesterday…but, I think I have most of that fixed and I am looking forward to getting out today…there are storms forecast for today but I’ll believe it when I see it since they have been falling apart coming across the lake for the past few days…at least there is a window for me to get out now and get the entire ride in….I really don’t have a lot to do today….just going to wing it and let the day do it’s thing….more later…