Well….if I keep shaking my head as much as I have since the election, I am going to do some serious damage to my neck….the latest damage has been done by reading the newest meme that is running around the internet….that many and many of trump’s voters can’t believe they are going to lose their health insurance since they voted for trump…and the lament seems to go that they trusted him to “shake up” Washington but didn’t listen to him when he said that the ACA was going to be repealed…all I have to say is that he’s a frickin repub…that’s what they are about…they hate you poor voters that they scammed into voting for them…and they always have but you people are just too damn dumb to realize it…or too filled with racism and hate to think about your own self interest…to the woman in Florida who got free coverage for all of her health problems through the ACA and is now wondering if it was a good idea to vote for trump, all I have to say is you screwed this entire country with your stupidity…and now you are going to be screwed like the rest of us…hope you like bankruptcy….idiot…