Well…the problem with normalizing liars in our government like trump, is that everyone thinks they can get away with it because trump does. So, now we have the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, lying under oath in his confirmation hearings, which is felony perjury by the way, and he is still in office. This is just another part of the trump/Russia conspiracy where Sessions met multiple times with the Russian ambassador who, according to our intelligence services, is Russia’s top spy here in the US….and who knows what they discussed? One thing we do know is that right after one of those meetings during the repub convention, language harsh to Russia on the Ukraine was taken out of the repub platform…the only change that trump asked for. What does it take for these criminals who colluded with Russia to throw the election to be held accountable? We need a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of this…after Sessions is charged with perjury and perp walked out of the government…impeach…