Well…just had to do another one of these about a little bit of news that just came over twitter….the ultra right wing of the repub party has just said that if the repub “healthcare” law is going to pass, it is going to need dem support. Now, I know that some of us dems have been delusional in thinking that you can work with the repubs when it is just not possible, but our delusions are not anywhere nearly crazy as the repubs thinking any one of us would support more giveaways to the rich and gutting a law that has helped get healthcare for 30 million of our fellow Americans. Just isn’t going to happen and Paul Ryan is the most delusional of them all when he says that he will have 218 votes for the law when it is put up for a vote…not gonna happen, Paul….the crazys on your right think that any law that restricts people’s freedom to die early from a lack of healthcare is communism…and you will never get the 30 of them to go along and you can be damn sure that no dem that wants to avoid being primaried is going to help you torch the ACA….you own this turd of a law…enjoy…