Well…the guy in charge of “fixing” health insurance in this country has no clue how insurance works…let that sink in for a minute…Paul Ryan has no clue how insurance works and now want to “fix” the system. The other day, when giving a presentation on his plan, ole Paul decried the fact that healthy people had to pay premiums that would pay for healthcare for sick people who also paid premiums…I just slapped my head when I heard that…especially since that is exactly how insurance works…everyone pays into a pool and then the risk is spread across the entire insured population….but that’s not how repubs look at anything…any shared risk is “communism” in their eyes…and I heard another one of these idiots bitch the other day why any man should have to pay into a pool that covered maternity care…that right there is the problem with the repubs…they don’t believe in community or shared goals but just their own damn selfishness…they don’t want to pay for roads in other states, they don’t want to help their fellow Americans suffering natural disasters, and they sure don’t want to have to help pay for “women’s health” and all the icky stuff that goes along with that…I just hate these people..they have destroyed the sense of community that any country needs to survive….