Here comes the trump economy…

Well…as the idiot trump boasted that his economy would be “the greatest” and some in the business community bought into those lies to make the stock market shoot up, the reality of the idiot that knows nothing being in control is finally being felt….starting with job growth that was half of predicted last month, we now have more data showing that trump being in office and the morons he has put into the government just because they are rich don’t have a clue what they are doing and the things they are doing are damaging business confidence….and that is slicing the estimates of growth in the economy to under 1%….not the bigly 4% that trump promised…but we all know how much he lies and he didn’t even know anything about the economy so why would anyone think he could deliver on those promises? So, the idiot trump can no longer blame anyone but himself when we hit the next recession that is coming this summer..;..this is what you voted for trump voters…enjoy the unemployment lines you idiots….impeach..

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