Well…there were a couple of things that happened on the trail today that I almost forgot about….not sure why that would be but I’m not going to dwell on it….at the top of the first climb that goes to the highest point along M-6…where I make my first water stop…I looked off in the distance and there was a helicopter hovering maybe a couple of thousand feet in the air…I watched it for a few minutes and it just stayed in one place until it moved off….not sure why it would do that since it was not carrying anything that I could see…oh, well…the next thing was that I came on a garter snake that was just warming itself on the pavement…and, of course, I had to pick it up…I just love the way snakes feel..that silky feeling…when I grabbed him, I broke into laughing since he tried to bite me multiple times…I’m not sure if he realized that he has no teeth or fangs or that his head is about the size of my pinkie fingernail but he kept it up until I grabbed him behind his head…then he calmed down and just looked at me while flicking his tongue……a pretty cool encounter…l made sure he was safe in the weeds when I let him go….I’m not sure why I didn’t remember this stuff until right now…..