Well…if you have read anything about the debacle that is Kansas these days, you know that it’s idiot governor, Sam Brownback made it a laboratory of all of the stupid, unscientific economic theories the right wing has been pushing for the past 30 years or so…that if you cut taxes enough, a huge boom will take place and then you get more taxes coming in….but, as we have seen in the crazy light version of this at a national level, it just doesn’t ever work. In Kansas, Brownback and his cronies turbocharged the tax cuts and guess what they got…a billion dollar budget shortfall, schools closing in March since they ran out of money and roads crumbling across the state. After these results had decimated the state, even the repubs there had had enough and started to dismantle the “Brownback Miracle”…raising taxes to try to get their economic house in order. But, I guess that was too much for ole Sam who today decided to bail out from the second term he was elected to in November and go join the idiot trump’s administration as, get this, “Ambassador at large for religious freedom”…yeah, I don’t know what the hell that means either…all I know is it’s just another piece of wingnut welfare for another failed repub that has shown he has no clue what he is doing…and now all of us have to pay for his idiocy…can’t wait to see what the rest of the world has to say when this “christian” radical shows up in their countries and tries to tell them their religion is wrong…could be worth getting the popcorn ready…geez…