Well…things are swirling around DC today with the idiot trump’s tweetstorm that he is going to kick any transgender member of the military out since they are a “danger” to the military…and he lied while doing it, saying he talked to “his” generals and they agreed with him….nevermind that no one in the department of defense even heard about it before the idiot tweeted it…and the sec of defense is on vacation and never heard from trump….now, we all know what this is about…trump needs to shore up support from his idiot base and to distract from all of his failures and investigations….and his torture of Jeff Sessions…but it is more about his hatred…his hatred of the LGBTQ community, his hatred of immigrants, and his general hatred of anyone who is not trump….but the noose is closing…even his idiot daughter just lawyered up the other day with Mueller getting closer every day…I just can’t wait for the meltdown to continue and take the whole racist bunch of cronies with them….impeach…