Tag Archives: Sam Brownback

Brownback bails….

Well…if you have read anything about the debacle that is Kansas these days, you know that it’s idiot governor, Sam Brownback made it a laboratory of all of the stupid, unscientific economic theories the right wing has been pushing for the past 30 years or so…that if you cut taxes enough, a huge boom will take place and then you get more taxes coming in….but, as we have seen in the crazy light version of this at a national level, it just doesn’t ever work. In Kansas, Brownback and his cronies turbocharged the tax cuts and guess what they got…a billion dollar budget shortfall, schools closing in March since they ran out of money and roads crumbling across the state. After these results had decimated the state, even the repubs there had had enough and started to dismantle the “Brownback Miracle”…raising taxes to try  to get their economic house in order. But, I guess that was too much for ole Sam who today decided to bail out from the second term he was elected to in November and go join the idiot trump’s administration as, get this, “Ambassador at large for religious freedom”…yeah, I don’t know what the hell  that means either…all I know is it’s just another piece of wingnut welfare for another failed repub that has shown he has no clue what he is doing…and now all of us have to pay for his idiocy…can’t wait to see what the rest of the world has to say when this “christian” radical shows up in their countries and tries to tell them their religion is wrong…could be worth getting the popcorn ready…geez…

Even Kansas has had enough….

Well…there was finally an interesting article on the debacle that is Kansas’s financial picture and it is not pretty…the “experiment” there of cutting taxes hoping for revenue to rise has found to be the sham that it always was…with deficits as far as the eye can see even after cutting almost every service and not funding the schools there. Tax cuts for the rich only decimated their economy…didn’t make it grow like the idiot Brownback said it would (the repub orthodoxy that the repubs want to try nationally) but essentially killed the economy. But, earlier this week, the dems and some republicans came to their senses and raised taxes to cover the shortfall and fully fund the services that have been axed by the repubs previously…and they even overrode Brownback’s veto of of the previous bill rescinding the tax cuts. So, maybe the repubs in Kansas will set the tone for reality in the national budget…that tax cuts for the rich do not spur growth and will only harm the country…..maybe sanity can take hold outside of Kansas?

The rats are even deserting Brownback…

Well….you know the old saw that the states are the “laboratories of democracy”….if they are, the Kansas lab just blew up. You know that they have been implementing the whole wish list of tea party economics there with tax cuts for business that were supposed to increase revenues for the state? As the rest of us know, this “voodoo” economics doesn’t work…never has and never will…and the tax elimination for the almost 400,000 businesses and farmers there did absolutely nothing to create jobs…leaving Kansas 43rd out of 50 states in that measure. The latest studies there found that almost all of the tax cut money went right into the pockets of those getting the tax cuts…not used to expand business or hire since Kansas has the same problem the rest of the country has, a lack of demand and no business is going to hire or expand when there is no excess demand…and expansion follows increasing demand not proceeds it. So, the only thing these tax cuts have done, as they have done across the country, is to starve Kansas of the money it needs to educate it’s children, and pay for the services that are necessary for the state to run. Some of the repubs in Kansas, (the ones that are not too blinded by ideology) have started to revolt against the decimation that these tax cuts have wrought and are starting to float the idea that maybe they were wrong, that maybe they will have to raise taxes to fund the bare necessities of government so that Kansas is not the third world backwater that the repubs have made it…probably not but we can hope for the people of Kansas…geez…

Sam Brownback v. the Constitution

Well…with so much crap coming out of Kansas and it’s failed tea party experiment of cut taxes at all costs…the governor there has sunk to a new low…after some rulings against him saying that the state government had a constitutional responsibility to fund the schools there, Ole Sam did just what the bullies in the repub party do…he got the repub legislature to pass a law saying that if they ruled against him again, that the entire judiciary there will be defunded…just the kind of extortion that the repubs are good at…well.. the only thing they are good at is threatening people that won’t do what they want…never mind that the judicial branch is supposed to be the check on the legislative and executive branch…where is that pocket Constitution that all of you tea partiers carry around, Sam?  This stuff is obviously uncostitutional but that doesn’t mean anything to the repubs…they only read the Constitution when they can use it as a club to get their own way…man…we need to get out to vote to get rid of these asses…geez…

The Kansas experiment ends…

Well…it has been said that the states are the laboratories of government where things are tried to see how they work…and there hasn’t been a state that has been more experimental than Kansas over the past 4 years where a repub takeover of the government has been the laboratory for all of the “ideas” that the repubs have for government and how it should work. You know what this means…slashing taxes, cutting spending, more abortion restrictions…yada, yada….and guess what? As every economist that didn’t graduate from Liberty University will tell you, these thing do not work to spur growth in the economy or job creation but they keep trying it anyway. We now see what these policies do on a large scale….a deficit of over 300 million dollars due to tax cuts for the rich and corporations…slashing of spending on education and public projects such as roads and bridges and a regression to last on every measure of economic growth. Not surprising, since this is an ideology driven government, not a fact based one and one thing the repubs do in all parts of life is do things on faith even though a century of economic history shows their ideas have never worked…ever. Now, it looks like the repubs are going to pay by losing the governorship, one senate seat and many seats in the house since the people have had enough of the excuses…Brownback, the governor, has even tried to blame his mess on Obama…standard protocol when these idiots screw up…can’t happen to a nicer bunch…geez…

A little politics…

Well…have been thinking about how to do a political one today and came up with this one….I think I’ll just do a few one liners and see what happens…it is making me smile that ole Scott Walker is in trouble in Wisconsin…I’ve said this before…if we vote, we win…so I hope they throw this idiot in the dustbin where he belongs…the same thing here in Michigan where ole Snyder is tied with Schauer and no one even knows Schauer yet…I hope the people here send the nerd back to his mansion so we can repeal right to work, the abortion restrictions, and the tax on pensions he and his tea party buddies rammed through….I really do like the commercials being run against Land here, too, pointing out that her entire campaign has been funded by the Koch’s and also highlighting the pollution they are responsible for…one other thing that looks good is that ole Brownback is losing in Kansas where he has instituted all of the repub pushed economic theories of tax cuts for the rich and business…and guess what? The state is almost last in job growth and has had to slash funding for their schools since they have no tax revenues anymore…and the people there are tired of the right wing hooey and the damage done to their state by his band of idiots…okay, that’s enough for now…one more to go….

The facts are in…

Well…as you know, I have been doing wedding stuff for the past few days and haven’t really had any desire to do any political stuff but today is different…there have finally been studies done on the ALEC pushed economic policies of cutting budgets, tax cuts for the rich, and deregulation, and guess what? All of that right wing conservative nonsense is just that, nonsense…and the facts are in to prove it. In all states that have implemented those policies, including Michigan, growth is slower, jobs are scarcer, and budgets are in disarray. Take the state that has implemented more of this nonsense than any other, Kansas, who trails the entire country in job creation and has a huge hole in its budget that is a direct result of tax cuts for the wealthy and business that shifted the burden to the lower and middle class. And now, who does the idiot governor Brownback blame? Obama, of course…and tax increases that are only figments of Brownback’s imagination…and the funny thing is that the deficit is falling faster than ever under Obama and the federal government ran a 120 billion dollar surplus last month. I want this moron to tell me how federal policies that apply across the country only hurts red states? I hope we can use these studies to hammer these idiots this fall…but, most of the country is not fact-based so maybe it won’t work…geez…

Let’s add this nonsense from Kansas…

Well…this is really going to be a short one but again, I felt I had to comment on some repub nonsense…this time from the governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback…it seems that the governor’s staff took issue with a tweet from an 18 year old high school senior that was not complimentary to the governor…and then proceeded to contact the principal of the school who then called the young woman in to his office to try to force her to send a written apology to the governor. Now, there are so many things wrong with this that I don’t have to state them…let’s just say it’s another instance where the repubs have no idea what is in the first amendment to the constitution or how that amendment protects even students rights to speak freely and express their opinions…aren’t you getting tired of this nonsense…I sure am…geez…