Lies, lies, and more lies….

Well…is this enough repubs? Is this enough for you to finally rid us of the idiot trump? Oh, forgot to tell you about this first…my brain is out of synch….I really hope you’ve heard the last bit of lies to come out of the mouth of trump and his cronies…it starts with trump telling everyone that he got a phone call from the “head” of the boy Scouts telling him that his speech was the best one that was ever delivered to them…one little problem…the call never fact the scouts apologized for the hitler youth rally that trump turned the speech into…then we have the idiot telling everyone…again…that the president of Mexico called him to tell him he is doing the “best job” at immigration…again…never happened…no phone call, no praise, just trump living in his delusions and that should worry you repubs…and you should do something about it…he hates you guys, anyway…so why do you continue to protect this idiot?  Impeach….

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