The math doesn’t add up….

Well…another day, another repub tax cutting plan being exposed for the fraud that it is….their grand plan was supposed to be released today but they are still working on it..and now it will be released tomorrow…never mind that they have been “working” on their tax plan since at least 2010…and they have nothing to show for it but tax cuts for the rich and raising taxes on everyone else. And magically, deficits no longer matter…all of the scores say that this “plan” (what little is known of it) would explode the deficit by 1.5 trillion dollars a year…whatever happened to the “grave concern” that the repubs were expressing about the national debt just a few months ago? Now, we on the left knew that Paul Ryan was a fraud and his “wonkishness” and expertise on budget matters was nonsense…after all, how much expertise is needed to give more and more money to the rich and corporations? It’s just like the CEO’s that are brought in to make companies profitable again and all they do is cut jobs…not grow the company or innovate…but just cut, cut, cut while they cash their 8 figure paychecks. Ryan and his tax plan are both frauds….and we are all going to pay for it….geez…

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