Well…I know, I know….there are topics galore out there but I just can’t get outraged about most of it and, as you know, that fuels a lot of what I do here….there have been some things going on that are irritating the hell out of me…like the tax plan that gives tax cuts to the rich and the hell with everyone else, or the assaulter in chief commenting on Al Franken but staying silent on Roy Moore….or the 250,000 gallon oil spill from one of Keystone’s pipelines…something the idiot in chief said would never happen as he approved the next leaker for Keystone…..a good thing was the PM of New Zealand sharing that the entire world laughs whenever they have to talk to trump….and that a fox poll has Doug Jones ahead of Roy Moore…in Alabama? Cripes, things just may be changing for the better….impeach…