Well….haven’t seen a lot about this on the news so I thought I’d talk about the reason none of the repubs are holding the idiot responsible for his destruction of our democracy….they know they are in it, too…in a long article in Newsweek yesterday, it was described how deeply Russian money has infiltrated the repub party…with Mitch McConnell’s PAC getting more than a million dollars from Russian billionaires that was laundered through American citizens to circumvent the ban on foreign money in our elections. And, this goes to one of the reasons that Paul Ryan is thinking about not running for re-election…he got money from the Russians that was then distributed to many, many other repubs for their campaigns. While not technically illegal since the money was run through Americans, it still came from Putin and his cronies and, while the ignorant idiots that vote for repubs won’t care, the rest of us do and they will be held responsible as the traitors they are…..impeach…