Well…I’ll bet you never thought you’d ever see a headline like that on one of my posts here, but damn…a clip I just saw made me laugh my butt off. On last night’s show, Hannity went on and on about a report in the NYT that the idiot trump had tried to fire Bob Mueller back in June of last year but the WH counsel wouldn’t do it and threatened to quit if trump went ahead with it, calling it fake news and basically shouting that none of his “sources” had confirmed the report. This was at 9:18 but by 9:58 he was backpedaling so fast his shoes were smoking…and then he did what all of the liars on fox do when caught in their lies, he tried to distract their easily distracted viewers by quick cutting to a car crash…yeah, really, he cuts to a car crash so he didn’t have to continue to talk about the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice. I laughed so hard when I saw the clip today…and I needed that…what a maroon…..