Well….just got back from a really fun top down drive to get some cheap food at Aldi’s, and I thought I’d talk a little about the latest development in the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice investigation….I know I talked a little about that with the Hannity post earlier, but I wanted to put a little detail to it…..I will admit I am smiling about it this afternoon. Yesterday, the NYT reported that, in June of last year, the idiot tried to get the WH counsel (who works for the office of the presidency, not for trump) to fire Robert Mueller for undisclosed reasons and the counsel refused, telling trump that if he kept up the pressure he would quit and let the world know why. As all bullies do, trump backed down and just muttered about it for the past 10 months….not understanding that he just made the case for obstruction against him even stronger that it was with his firing of Comey since the only reason trump gave for either the firing or the attempt was to “take the pressure off” from the investigation. So now, it is not a matter of IF trump is going to be charged with obstruction but WHEN…and that just has to penetrate his thick skull at some point…even with all of his staff continually blowing sunshine up his ass….impeach…