February 23rd

Well…I think I’m about on time today and I even got up a little late…..I think I even slept okay but I have a cough this morning and I hope it’s not a coming attraction of the flu….I did get out on the bikeĀ  yesterday and it was just pure torture with the wind blowing almost 20 out of the East….I wonder if that is why my lungs are screaming at me this morning? But my legs are not too sore so I’ll take it…and it looks like I’ll be able to get out again today but it will have to wait until later since it is raining right now and I want to wash the mud off the car from the trip to C’s….so today looks like it will start off a little slow and I don’t mind that…I wasn’t good last night and didn’t watch any Olympics…just getting kind of tired of them but I am watching this morning since there is nothing on in the morning….not much to do today….just need more coffee and to veg a little until I feel better…more later…

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