Isn’t that wrong?

Well….as the repub tax scam’s effects continue to be reported by the press, a little noted news item from yesterday really rams home how unfair it really is…and I am going to make this a little personal. It was reported that Amazon is not going to pay a penny in taxes on income of over 5.6 billion dollars….yep, not one damn dime on 5.6 billion dollars in income…isn’t that wrong? Isn’t it wrong that all of you reading this are going to have to pay taxes and Amazon doesn’t? We all know that the tax code is slanted to favor the rich and business, but this latest cut, passed by repubs, makes that slant even higher, allowing many companies in this country to not pay anything…wouldn’t it be nice if some of that “trickled down” to you and me? I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much since Amazon and I paid the same amount of taxes to the feds this year…but, I paid some to Michigan so my taxes were higher than Amazon’s this year…isn’t that wrong? Yep….geez…

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