Well….forgot to close the kitchen window last night and it is cold in here this morning…so, hot coffee will help with that…slept okay last night but feel pretty slow today so I am going to ease into it….had a bad day with food yesterday but I just had a taste for bad stuff….had chili dogs for lunch and then a burger for dinner and I do feel guilty about it…think I may need to have salads for a week to make up for it….I do have a boneless chicken breast that I need to use so maybe that will make up for it….went hard on the bike yesterday and I am sore today so there will be ibuprofen today….and I have been having cramps in my right calf the past few days and I’m not sure why that would be…think I’ll get on the internet later to try to figure that out…not much to do today…I’m still torn about watching the world cup but I may backslide a little today with Spain and Portugal playing this afternoon….more later….