Well….if you haven’t heard yet, a judge just revoked Paul Manafort’s bail, sending him to jail until his trial…and that means little Paulie is going to spend the rest of his life in jail after he is convicted of even a few of the 30 felonies he is charged with. The straw that did it was the fact that they caught little Paulie trying to get witnesses against him to lie, and that was specifically laid out in his bail agreement as a big no-no….I am a little tired of the talking heads out there saying all of this is just to put pressure on him to flip on trump….I don’t think that’s the case at all, he broke the frickin law and he is being held accountable for it…to think that there is nothing to the charges is to continue to swallow trump’s line that they are just trying to get to him and it’s all fake….and we had the predictable distancing from trump this morning when he said “he only worked for me for 45 days or something” and that was just another lie in a lie strewn gaggle at the WH this morning…just remember that Manafort was trump’s campaign chair for 6 months, not 45 days….I wonder if Obama’s campaign chair was ever arrested? Nope, and no one else in Obama’s admin was either…impeach…