Well…I know we throw the word toxic around a lot when talking about the idiot trump’s administration…and there is no doubt it is toxic…but now, with new rules just listed by the EPA, that toxicity is going to spread across the US. Just a few days ago, in response to one of trump’s cronies request, the EPA has just said that using asbestos in building supplies is just hunky dory again…never mind that asbestos is one of the most deadly minerals ever mined and almost everyone who comes into contact with it gets mesothelioma that kills them, profit to his cronies is much more important that the lives of US citizens…as you have seen by earlier rule changes at the EPA that are going to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with the increases of pollution that the EPA is now allowing. So now, the wonders of asbestos are going to inflicted on another generation of Americans just so the rich can get richer..it’s just frickin immoral…but that is the description of trump….impeach…