The orange idiot doesn’t get his parade…

Well….I am laughing my ass off with all of the backpedaling the orange idiot is doing about his stupid military parade getting “rescheduled”….in military speak that means cancelled. For once the news media was all over this bit of idiocy, highlighting that, just to keep the thin skinned moron happy, the US was going to spend almost 100 million dollars and basically shut down DC for a day….all this for a five deferment draft dodger whose “bone spurs” magically healed after they stopped drafting people for Vietnam. Of course, idiot boy tried to blame the postponement on the AA mayor of DC, saying that she was overcharging him and wouldn’t be taken advantage of….just another racist slur from the racist in chief that shouldn’t surprise anyone….the funniest part is that after the military “postponed” the event, trump lied like trump does and said he cancelled it, acting just like the child that he is…when are you going to do something about this danger to the country, repubs? impeach….

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