Well…I did get a bike ride in this morning and now my shoulder is feeling it but I needed to come here and comment on the new NYT article that explains how the idiot trump got his deferments for “bone spurs” and avoided getting drafted and going to Vietnam. Let’s get right to the point, these deferments were fake…there were no “bone spurs” or anything else physically wrong with idiot boy…it was all a scam run by his daddy and two doctors who just happened to be tenants of daddys…yep…all the way back in the 60′s and 70′s daddy was protecting his little boy from doing his civic duty and going to fight in Vietnam…and committing a bunch of felonies doing it…and idiot boy knew about it so he is just as guilty of this fraud as daddy and the doctors were…and the doctors were paid for their fraud by daddy trump not raising their rents and in one case, getting a couple of apartments in return for saying idiot boy wasn’t physically qualified for the draft. We’ve all know for a long time what a fraud the idiot boy is and his bleatings that he is a self made billionaire were nothing but hot air…and he couldn’t even do his own fraud to stay out of the army when he was in his 20′s…he had to be protected by daddy…but, there is no longer anyone left to protect him now…and in 8 days he is going to feel it….oh, I get it now! His whining about no one protecting him that he threw at Jeff Sessions was driven by the fact that he has always had someone TO protect him, whether it was his daddy, Roy Cohn, or Michael Cohen, trump has never had to fend for himself and the whiny baby can’t take it…ha, ha, ha…impeach…
Tag Archives: bone spurs
The orange idiot doesn’t get his parade…
Well….I am laughing my ass off with all of the backpedaling the orange idiot is doing about his stupid military parade getting “rescheduled”….in military speak that means cancelled. For once the news media was all over this bit of idiocy, highlighting that, just to keep the thin skinned moron happy, the US was going to spend almost 100 million dollars and basically shut down DC for a day….all this for a five deferment draft dodger whose “bone spurs” magically healed after they stopped drafting people for Vietnam. Of course, idiot boy tried to blame the postponement on the AA mayor of DC, saying that she was overcharging him and wouldn’t be taken advantage of….just another racist slur from the racist in chief that shouldn’t surprise anyone….the funniest part is that after the military “postponed” the event, trump lied like trump does and said he cancelled it, acting just like the child that he is…when are you going to do something about this danger to the country, repubs? impeach….