Well…with another performance by the idiot trump on the world stage where he embarrassed our country with his non-stop whining and attacks on the US and its representatives, is there any question why the rest of the world leaders laughed at him at a reception? This time it was even caught on video where their disdain for trump and his antics was on full display…and, according to multiple news reports, this is not the first time this has happened…at every summit, presidents and PM’s are doing everything they can to not talk to trump or, in the case of the almost as ridiculous Boris Johnson, to not have his picture taken with idiot boy since he knows it will cost him in the election that is scheduled for a couple of weeks from now. Do you know what the whiny baby’s reaction to the world laughing at him was? He called Macron names and then skipped his last conference, ran to his plane and ran away…the big, tough trump ran away because the other kids were mean to him….what a petulant little baby trump is…and this is the baby that the repubs think is the greatest leader in their party…well, looking at the rest of them, maybe he is…geez….
Tag Archives: whiny baby
Whiny baby says what?
Well….god, I wonder if the idiot trump ever gets tired of being a big, whiny baby? With the impeachment hearings moving over to the Judiciary Committee this week and the perfectly reasonable invitation of chair Jerry Nadler for trump and his lawyers to come and participate to defend trump, all we got from the whiny baby and his lawyers was a letter Sunday saying that they wouldn’t come…I guess they realize that Devin Nunes or Jim Jordan aren’t going to be in charge and trump would really have to answer to the facts that he committed multiple crimes and not just get fluffed by his moronic minions. But, what this invitation does is put to rest the talking point that the “process” is unfair to trump and he doesn’t get to defend himself…hey, idiots…you had your chance to come and refute the evidence and you chose talking points instead…and that just isn’t going to cut it when more and more of the facts come out….and I think it’s funny that not one repub has come out to refute the facts that trump is a criminal committing daily crimes by obstructing the investigation…because they can’t…facts are facts and trump’s cronies can only whine about the fact that they don’t think crimes are crimes, and anyway, a repub president can do whatever he wants and it is just peachy keen with them….so, keep piling up the felonies just as long as the sweet, sweet Russian cash keeps rolling in to their campaigns….they are going to have to pay at some point….
Cadet bone spurs…
Well…I did get a bike ride in this morning and now my shoulder is feeling it but I needed to come here and comment on the new NYT article that explains how the idiot trump got his deferments for “bone spurs” and avoided getting drafted and going to Vietnam. Let’s get right to the point, these deferments were fake…there were no “bone spurs” or anything else physically wrong with idiot boy…it was all a scam run by his daddy and two doctors who just happened to be tenants of daddys…yep…all the way back in the 60′s and 70′s daddy was protecting his little boy from doing his civic duty and going to fight in Vietnam…and committing a bunch of felonies doing it…and idiot boy knew about it so he is just as guilty of this fraud as daddy and the doctors were…and the doctors were paid for their fraud by daddy trump not raising their rents and in one case, getting a couple of apartments in return for saying idiot boy wasn’t physically qualified for the draft. We’ve all know for a long time what a fraud the idiot boy is and his bleatings that he is a self made billionaire were nothing but hot air…and he couldn’t even do his own fraud to stay out of the army when he was in his 20′s…he had to be protected by daddy…but, there is no longer anyone left to protect him now…and in 8 days he is going to feel it….oh, I get it now! His whining about no one protecting him that he threw at Jeff Sessions was driven by the fact that he has always had someone TO protect him, whether it was his daddy, Roy Cohn, or Michael Cohen, trump has never had to fend for himself and the whiny baby can’t take it…ha, ha, ha…impeach…