Well… what a day…have had a sore throat that started last night and have been coughing all day and I really can’t have that happen with traveling on Thursday and going to NYC Friday of next week….so how the heck did this happen…not sure if it’s a coincidence that I got my flu shot Tuesday but this happened the last time I got a flu shot, too and it’s hard to say with such a small sample size…I know I’m coughing up crap out of my lungs and am feeling hot so there is something to it…damn…I did get through the bike ride this morning with no trouble other than it was pretty cool and it took me hours to get warmed up again…and now I’m sweating like crazy…again…crap….oh, well…I am not cancelling the trip…I’ll just shift down to low and just try to survive it….who knows? I may feel better by Thursday….