Grading on the curve…

Well…not sure how much I’ll be here over the next few days with getting ready to head out to Baltimore tomorrow and then on the move until I get home Sunday…but, I am taking my computer with me so I’ll try to come here for at least a short one every day.. But, first…I want to comment on the idiot in chief’s comments on the abject failures of his administration to deal with the hurricanes that hit the US last year…but, in the addled mind of idiot boy, he rated himself an A+ for his personal involvement and how well he did to help people that were hit by them…going so far as to say that, in secret, people are saying that it couldn’t have been handled any better…and people are going to find out soon how wonderful a job he did….hmmm…does that sound familiar? “Heck of a job, Brownie” is what ole GW had to say to his failure of a FEMA director and his response to Katrina where thousands died because of their ineptitude. Can you say “grading on a curve”…it’s an A+ that at least 3,000 and as many as 5,000 Puerto Ricans died on his watch due to the indifference that trump and his minions showed to the “brown” people that every damn one of his administration hates?  And now we have another huge hurricane bearing down on the country and the only work being done is to steal money from FEMA to build more places to lock up immigrants? I really hope that this hurricane is not as bad as the forecast but maybe people need a shock that climate change is real and is resulting in more and stronger storms…and there are two more backed up right behind Florence and 4 more in the Pacific heading toward Hawaii…and folks, there has never been 7 storms at a time…ever in the history of records…so I wonder what could be causing it? Impeach…

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