Well…I just can’t think how short sighted the old white guys are in the senate who are trying to ram the sexual assaulter Kavanaugh through to the SC…it’s not bad enough that he has lied to the senate in every damn one of his confirmation hearings and has broken the law with getting stolen information from dems in the senate, now that a credible accuser has come forward that he tried to rape her, it is still business as usual with these old white guys who don’t give a damn about it…who don’t really care that he has led a life of abusing women and treating them like objects…they have already telegraphed that they are going to approve him no matter what his accuser says on Thursday, no matter how awful Kavanaugh is as a person, no matter how entitled this smarmy little shit is….they are going to ignore the 70% of women and 69% of the general public who say Kavanaugh should not be confirmed…and they are going to lose women voters for a generation if they cheat to confirm…as they cheated to keep Merrick Garland off the court. Not only that, they are going to lose the house and the senate, too, but they can’t see it…they have been able to lie, cheat, and steal for 40 years now without any consequences but things have changed…we are energized and are going to do everything in our power to throw these assholes out….and Kavanaugh and his cronies need to remember that the 2020 senate map is going to give us the votes necessary to remove him from the court…and we will…this crap is not going to go anymore…impeach…